
  • 姓名:王斌
  • 学历:博士
  • 职称:副教授
  • 职务:
  • 研究方向:认知灵活性,决策,适应性行为
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱:bin.a.wang@scnu.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:beat365官方网站426
  • 个人主页:

王斌,博士,beat365官方网站副教授,硕士生导师。2018年毕业于德国科隆大学,获得哲学博士学位,随后在德国波鸿大学进行博士后研究工作。通过结合心理物理学、多种脑成像技术(EEG/fMRI/DTI等)和神经计算模型(贝叶斯推断/强化学习),长期聚焦于决策灵活性的神经计算机制,相关的研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在神经科学领域国际权威SCI期刊,包括Nature Communications, Progress in Neurobiology, Journal of Neuroscience, NeuroImage, Plos Computational Biology, Cerebral Cortex等。同时,与美国,英国以及德国著名实验室建立了长期的合作关系,通过采用跨学科跨物种的研究方式,深入研究决策灵活性在跨物种中的神经计算表征。2016年获得海外优秀自费留学生奖学金。担任Cerebral Cortex; Human Brain Mapping; NeuroImage: Clinical; Brain Topography; Brain Imaging and Behavior; International Journal of Bilingualism; Frontiers in Human Neuroscience等期刊审稿人。


(1) 2013.10 –  2018.02, 德国科隆大学, 认知心理学, 博士

(2) 2010.09 –  2013.07, beat正版唯一, 发展与教育心理学, 硕士

(3) 2006.09 –  2010.07, 济宁医学院, 应用心理学, 学士


(1) 2023.12 –  至 今, beat正版唯一, beat365官方网站, 副教授

(2) 2018.02 – 2023.06, 德国波鸿大学/德国波鸿大学医院,博后

(3) 2014.03 –  2017.10, 德国科隆大学, 生物学院, Research Training Group (RTG), 博士

(4) 2013.10 – 2017.10, 德国于利希国家研究中心, 神经科学与医学研究所(INM-3), 博士

本实验室主要研究方向包括:1)人类在学习和决策过程中产生适应性行为背后的神经计算机制; 2)认知灵活性与其他心理过程的相互作用机制,比如记忆、注意等;3)压力应激反应对认知和决策灵活性的影响及神经机制;4)探索精神疾病(如自闭症,精神分裂症,强迫症等)行为灵活性缺失背后的神经病理学机制以及干预靶点。



第一作者/通讯作者论文发表 (*共同第一,#通讯作者)

1)    Wang, B.A.Veismann, M., Banerjee, A.#Pleger, B.#, 2023. Human orbitofrontal cortex signals decision outcomes to sensory cortex during flexible tactile learning. Nature Communications. 14(1):3552

2)    Banerjee, A.*#Wang, B.A.*#, Teutsch, J., Helmchen, F., Pleger, B., 2023. Analogous cognitive strategies for tactile learning in the rodent and human brain. Prog Neurobiol. 102401.

3)    Wang, B.A.#, Drammis S., Hummos A., Halassa M.M., Pleger B., 2023. Modulation of prefrontal couplings by prior belief-related responses in ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Front Neurosci. 15;17:1278096.

4)    Hummos, A.*Wang, B.A.*, Drammis, S.*, Halassa, M.M.#, Pleger, B., 2022. Thalamic regulation of frontal interactions in human cognitive flexibility. PLoS Comput Biol 18(9): e1010500. 

5)    Li, S.*, Wang, B.A.*, Li, C., Feng, Y., Li, M., Wang, T., Nie, L., Li, C., Wen, H., Lin, C., Ma, X., Fang, J., Jiang, G.#, 2021. Progressive gray matter hypertrophy with severity stages of insomnia disorder and its relevance for mood symptoms. Eur Radiol. 31(8):6312-6322. 

6)    Wang, B.A., Pleger, B.#, 2020. Confidence in decision-making during probabilistic tactile learning related to distinct thalamo-prefrontal pathways. Cereb Cortex. 30(8): 4677-4688. 

7)    Wang, B.A.#, Schlaffke, L., Pleger, B.#, 2020. Modulations of insular projections by prior belief mediate the precision of prediction error during tactile learning. J Neurosci 40: 3827–3837. 

8)    Viswanathan, S.*#Wang, B.A.*, Abdollahi, R., Daun, S., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R., 2019. Freely chosen and instructed actions are terminated by different neural mechanisms revealed by kinematics-informed EEG. NeuroImage 188: 26-42. 

9)    Wang, B.A., Viswanathan, S., Abdollahi, R., Rosjat, N., Popovych, S., Daun, S., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R.#, 2017. Frequency-specific modulation of connectivity in the ipsilateral sensorimotor motor cortex by different forms of movement initiation. NeuroImage 159: 248-260. 

10)    Yu, R.*, Wang, B.*, Li, S., Wang, J., Zhou, F., Chu, S., He, X., Wen, X., Ni, X., Liu, L., Xie, Q., Huang, R.#, 2015. Cognitive enhancement of healthy young adults with hyperbaric oxygen: A preliminary resting-state fMRI study. Clin Neurophysiol. 126(11):2058-67. 

11)     Wang, B., Fan, Y., Lu, M., Li, S., Song, Z., Peng, X., Zhang, R., Lin, Q., He, Y., Wang, J.#, Huang, R.#, 2013. Brain anatomical networks in world class gymnasts: A DTI tractography study. NeuroImage 65, 476– 487. 


1)    Rosjat, N., Wang, B.A., Liu, L., Fink, G.R., Daun, S.#, 2020. Stimulus transformation into motor action: Dynamic graph analysis reveals a posterior‐to‐anterior shift in brain network communication of older subjects. Hum Brain Mapp. 42(5):1547-1563. 

2)   Viswanathan, S.*, Abdollahi, R.*, Wang, B.A., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R., Daun, S.#, 2020. A response-locking protocol to boost sensitivity for fMRI-based neurochronometry. Hum Brain Mapp. 41(12):3420-3438.)

3)   Rosjat ,N., Liu, L., Wang, B.A., Popovych, S., Toth, T.I., Viswanathan, S., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R., Daun, S.#, 2018. Aging-associated changes of movement-related functional connectivity in the human brain. Neuropsychologia, 117:520-529. 

4)   Liu, L., Rosjat, N., Popovych, S., WangB.A., Yeldesbay, A., Toth, T. I., Viswanathan, S., Grefkes, C. B., Fink, G. R., Daun, S.#, 2017. Age-related changes in oscillatory power affect motor action. PloS ONE 12(11): e0187911.8. 

5)   Popovych, S.*, Rosjat, N.*, Toth, T.I., Wang, B.A., Liu, L., Abdollahi, R., Viswanathan, S., Grefkes, C., Fink, G.R., Daun, S.#, 2016. Movement-related phase locking in the delta–theta frequency band. NeuroImage, 139: 439-449. 

6)   Wang, J., Lu, M., Fan, Y., Wen, X., Zhang, R., Wang, B., Ma, Q., Song, Z., He, Y., Huang, R.#, 2016. Exploring brain functional plasticity in world class gymnasts: a network analysis. Brain Struct Funct. 221 (7): 3503-3519. 

7)   Zhang, R., Wei Q., Kang, Z., Zalesky, A., Li, M., Xu, Y., Li, L., Wang, J., Zheng, L., Wang, B., Zhao, J., Zhang, J.#, Huang, R.#, 2015. Disrupted brain anatomical connectivity in medication-naïve patients with first-episode schizophrenia. Brain Struct Funct. 220 (2):1145-59. 

8)   Li, S., Wang, B., Xu, P., Lin, Q., Gong, G., Peng, X., Fan, Y., He, Y., Huang, R.#, 2013. Increased Global and Local Efficiency of Human Brain Anatomical Networks Detected with FLAIR-DTI Compared to Non-FLAIR-DTI. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71229.

(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目, 32200867, 前额叶-丘脑神经环路在认知灵活性中的神经计算机制以及对感觉皮层神经表征重塑的研究, 2023-01-01  2025-12-31, 30万元在研主持

(2) 德国科学基金会, The interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Centre 874 , 122679504, Integration and Representation of Sensory Processes, 2017-12  2022-12, 820万欧元结题参与

(3) 德国科学基金会, German Excellence Initiative: Emerging Groups Initiative in Cologne University , CONNECT group, Understanding complex nervous system performance in health and disease, 2014-01  2019-04, 500万欧元结题参与

(1) 2016年,国家优秀自费留学生奖学金

(2) 2013年,beat365官方网站优秀毕业生’ 

(3) 2013年,beat正版唯一优秀研究生

(4) 2013年,beat正版唯一研究生华藏奖学金

(5) 2012年,硕士研究生国家奖学金