
  • 姓名:余可可
  • 学历:博士
  • 职称:特聘副研究员
  • 职务:
  • 研究方向:语言认知与学习
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱:kkyu@m.scnu.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址:beat365官方网站
  • 个人主页:

 余可可,心理学博士,特聘副研究员,硕士生导师。中国心理学会学习心理专委会秘书。主要研究兴趣是语言认知与学习,采用认知行为实验法、脑电(ERP)技术和功能磁共振(fMRI)技术开展语音感知与学习和人类嗓音的认知神经加工等研究。近年来以第一/通讯作者在SSCI/SCI/CSSCI期刊发表学术论文10余篇。主持多项国家级和省部级科研项目。担任《心理学报》、Brain and LanguageJournal of Neurolinguistics等期刊审稿人。


2008.09 - 2012.07   福建医科大学 应用心理学 理学学士

2012.09 - 2018.12   beat正版唯一 心理学(硕博连读) 心理学博士 

2017.01 - 2018.01   美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University) 



2022.04 - 至今        beat正版唯一  特聘副研究员

2019.04 - 2022.04   beat正版唯一  博士后

  1. Yu, K., Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., Li, L., Li, P., & Wang, R. (2023). How different types of linguistic information impact voice perception: Evidence from the language-familiarity effect. Language and Speech. https://doi.org/10.1177/00238309221143062 (online)

  2. Ma, Y.,# Yu, K.,# Yin, S., Li, L., Li, P., & Wang, R. (2023). Attention Modulates the Role of Speakers’ Voice Identity and Linguistic Information in Spoken Word Processing: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1-16.

  3. Yin, S., Xie, L., Ma, Y., Yu, K.,* & Wang, R*. (2023). Distinct neural resource involvements but similar hemispheric lateralization patterns in pre-attentive processing of speaker’s identity and linguistic information. Brain Sciences. 13, 192. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci13020192

  4. Lin, J., Xing, Y., Hu, Y., Zhang, J., Bao, L.,* Luo, K.,* Yu, K.,* & Xiao, Y*. (2023). Inhibitory control involvement in overcoming the position-velocity indiscrimination misconception among college physics majors. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 19(1), 010112.

  5. Yu, K., Chen, Y., Yin, S., Li, L., & Wang, R.(2022). The roles of tonal type and lexicality in the hemispheric lateralization for lexical tone processing: an ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 177, 83-91.

  6. Wang, Y., Du, M., Yu, K*., Shen, G., Deng, T., & Wang, R*. (2022). Bi-directional cross-language activation in Chinese Sign Language (CSL)-Chinese bimodal bilinguals. Acta Psychologica, 229, 103693. 

  7. Yu, K., Chen, Y., Wang, M., Wang, R., & Li., L. (2022). Distinct but integrated processing of lexical tones, vowels, and consonants in tonal language speech perception: evidence from mismatch negativity. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 61, e101039. 

  8. Yu, K., Li, L., Chen,Y., Zhou, Y., Wang, R., Zhang, Y., & Li, P. (2019). Effects of native language experience on Mandarin lexical tone processing in second language learners. Psychophysiology, 56(11), e13448. 

  9. Yu, K., Zhou, Y., Li L., Su, J., Wang R., & Li, P. (2017). The interaction between phonological information and pitch type at pre-attentive stage: an ERP study of lexical tones. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32(9), 1164-1175. 

  10. Yu, K., Wang, R., Li, L., & Li, P. (2014). Processing of acoustic and phonological information of lexical tones in Mandarin Chinese revealed by mismatch negativity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(3), 729. 

  11. Fang, L., Xie, Y., Yu, K., Wang, R., & Schwieter, J. W. (2021). An examination of prosody and second language sentence processing through pause insertion. International Journal of Bilingualism, 25(5), 1473-1485. 

  12. Liu, B., Yu, K., Schwieter, J. W., Sun, P., & Wang, R. (2023). The partially overlapping nature of inhibitory control and preparatory control during language and task switching. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-17.

Yu, K., Wang, R.,* & Li, P. (2020). Native and Nonnative Processing of Acoustic and Phonological Information of Lexical Tones in Chinese: Behavioral and Neural Correlates. In M. Liu, F-M. Tsao, & P. Li (Eds.), Speech learning, perception, and production: Multidisciplinary approaches in Chinese language research. Singapore: Springer. 








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